The Occupational and Hand Eczema Clinic at the Kaye Edmonton Clinic, accepts patient referrals from family physicians and specialists including from Preventive Medicine. We diagnose and treat eczema rashes related to work, as well as hand eczema of many different causes. Our health care team includes nurses, medical students and residents, and the dermatologist, Dr. Marlene Dytoc.  We work in collaboration with the Patch Allergy Test clinic of Dr. John Elliott, and  Preventive (Occupational) Medicine specialists led by Dr. Sebastian Straube, at the University of Alberta.

We also perform quality improvement projects, and are now recruiting patients with hand eczema related to the use of gloves. We provide a month-long trial of gloves based on the patch allergy test results and our systematic review of literature. Please see the Resources section below.


Clinical Trials